Friday, March 2, 2012

Braised Daikon and Rutabaga Recap

This is a SUPER healthy and delicious macrobiotic meal made with amazing root veggies!

1 rutabaga
1 daikon radish
2 tbsp ume plum vinegar (or more to taste)

Peel the rutabaga and daikon, then cut them into slices about 3/4 inch thick.  Place all the pieces in one even layer in a deep skillet.  Pour enough water in to just cover the tops of the vegetables.  Pour the ume vinegar over top of the vegetables.  Cover and bring to a boil over medium heat.  Once the water is boiling, turn the heat down to low, and let it simmer until all the liquid is absorbed into the vegetables.  Serve with a whole grain, such as brown rice.

You could also add tamari soy sauce or rice wine vinegar if you want to experiment with the taste of the braised veggies!

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