Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vegan Ranch "Shiitocolli" Recipe

Here is a fun and super healthy saute for you to try!  Plus, it's fun to say.  (Go ahead, try it.  It's fun.)  If anyone asks, just tell them it's a mix of shiitake mushrooms and broccoli (because it is).

3 Heads of Broccoli
1 Package Shiitake Mushrooms
1 Package Seitan
Homemade Ranch Dressing (Recipe HERE)

Always clean your veggies before cooking!  Chop broccoli into bite-sized pieces.  Remove the stems of the mushrooms and dice the mushroom caps.  Cut the seitan into bite-sized pieces.  Coat bottom of pan with oil, and heat on medium heat.  Once the oil is heated, add the seitan and mushrooms.  Saute for a few minutes.  Add the broccoli.  Add 1/2 Cup of water, put lid on pan and cook for a few minutes, or until water is all absorbed.  Pour homemade ranch dressing on top and mix evenly.  Serve with brown rice (or your favorite whole grain).

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